Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Communication 2009, how do you communicate?

I know it has been awhile since my last posting but I must admit that I have been VERY VERY busy with family, work, school, and work! With today's technology there is no reason on this earth that you are unable to communicate with someone. I think must people now a days enjoy to send a text or Twit on Twitter, just for the simple fact that they don't have to hear that other person's voice. The funny thing is I am working on a paper for class about Process Improvement and I found myself taking a break to search for old friends on LinkedIn; does this mean I will pick up the phone and call them to chat? I doubt it, what on earth would I say? "hey it is Q from back in the day, how have you been?" Nine times out of ten I will probably communication via an email or a short message on LinkedIn, or Twitter. I even find myself sending my wife a text message instead of caller her on the phone. Now when I was in the Navy I enjoyed our phone conversations, but as I have grown a little older :) and technology has grown even faster than I; it is much easier to send her a quick SMS or an IM on one of her many messenagers. :) Sometimes, I find myself thinking back when I was little and my parents would tell me to sit back from the T.V. or my eyes will turn into squares from sitting so close. I think technology can be the root all miscommunication in the world today, how many emails have you misread and replied back with a response that made no sense, or better yet was a nasty response? I know I have done that quite a few times. I will leave you with this one last thought. Will you improve your communication? or will you hide behind technology and communicate digitally?